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Monday, May 6, 2019

How we can change salesforce phone number format ? Full basic To Advance

How we can change salesforce phone number format?. we all know this the major question which asked in salesforce developer Group. we can change Salesforce Phone number format in two type
lets go for the process how we can change. All we are know about salesforce phone field are on US format and lots of developer want to change this format according to their Country Format.

In this post we are going to  solve all your questions all we know about salesforce have only Us format and this format we want to change we change this format by formula field and apex code in this post we are going to  cover this post and solution by formula field we are not going to change the format of the phone number we are going to remove the . - () all this type of symbol from the phone number

So, lets go to see how we can change salesforce phone number format full basic to advance and step by step

These are the following steps in How we can change salesforce phone number format ?

1. Go to your developer org. and login into that.
2. after login for the object where you have phone number field or you can create your own custom object in this case we are going to change the phone number field on lead object Phone number field

How we can change salesforce phone number format

3. After moving on object go for create a new field which is formula field.
4. Now make filed name and field label and select Formula Return Type is (text)

How we can change salesforce phone number format

5. Then go for the advance Formula Field and past  the formula which is written down.

RIGHT( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( Phone ,"-","") , " ", "") , ")","") ,"(",""),10)

How we can change salesforce phone number format ?

6. Replace Phone in formula with your phone number field click on insert field and select your phone number field as per your object than go for the syntax check and assure there no syntax error
7. click on the next button make sure visible to all click on next than save.

After all this go for the page layout of your object and replace phone number field with your new formula field after this when every query is punched than all -.() are automatically remove from the phone number

Previous version 
new version 

if you face any problem to making your field than go the video which is fully based on how we can change salesforce phone number format ? video is given below pls watch